Student life
The Student Life Office (BVE) is a place to exchange and share. The BVE is the interface between the the student and the university and the primary point of contact for students and student associations with the establishment.
All questions related to life on campus are dealt with by the Student Life Office : leisure, events, current university affairs affecting student life, services proposed by the UHA…
The BVE :
- serves as the link between foreign students and the various organisations responsible for their right to stay and study in France. It advises foreign students as to their rights and the administrative processes involved.
- supports student associations in order to help them to energise associative life on campus. No matter what the nature of the administrative support offered (organisation-creation, production of definitive documents etc) or in project realisation (the search for partners, communication, event organisation...) the BVE has advisory materials available to assist student associations.
- helps students to develop their projects and present them to the Commission in Support of Student Projects (CAPE) : an innovative service which helps students find the necessary financial resources for their projects.
- organises throughout the year a range of opportunities and events by means of which students can make new contacts during traditional celebrations or energise the campus. The BVE can also help students wishing to organise events.
- offers student jobs, diffusing them via social networks or the university’s website. Offers come in throught the year both for immediate short term contracts or for longer periods.