HRS4R - Human resources strategy for researchers

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HRS4R - Human resources strategory for researchers

European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

A quality strategy for the University

The 宝盈娱乐app de Haute-Alsace is committed to strengthening its scientific potential, and to this end is developing an attractiveness strategy, particularly towards young researchers and doctoral students.

The ability to attract talented people, and then to ensure full and complete careers, involves creating the best possible working conditions, but also ensuring open, transparent and merit-based recruitments, in order to be fully involved in the European research space.

The 宝盈娱乐app de Haute-Alsace is fully mobilized to ensure high quality recruitment processes. Hence, it follows the framework proposed by the European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers and implements structuring mechanisms to ensure compliance with criteria of equality and diversity, ethics, scientific integrity, social, societal and sustainability responsibility.

These objectives are based on the 40 main principles from the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the European Charter for Researchers. Respectively, the Code of Conduct brings together good practices in order to make recruitments and therefore selection procedures fairer and more transparent and the Charter advocates rules relating to the roles and responsibilities of researchers, their employers and funding bodies.

The University thus undertakes a set of concrete measures and practical actions, particularly in terms of recruitment transparency, support for researchers, career development/training and living conditions at work.

Th University's commitment to the application of "HRS4R" aims to:

  • guarantee researchers a favourable working environment,
  • underpin changes in the culture of work,
  • value researcher mobility,
  • respect work/life balance,
  • ensure transparency in recruitment procedures.

It contributes to the attractive nature of the university throughout Europe and encourages improvements in practices within the research domain relating to issues of recruitment and the function and operations of researchers.

A further goal is to make the research metier more appreciated and understood, to facilitate employability, to guarantee researchers equality of access to employment and to assist in improving researcher mobility both geographical and inter-sectoral. It supports research project finance bids from the European Union.

The putting into practice a policy of recruitment clearly based upon openness, transparency and merit in accordance with the principles and practices of OTM-R (Open Transparent Merit-based Recruitment), lies at the heart of the HRS4R strategy and falls perfectly within the ambit of UHA’s strategic aims and objectives.

This is evidently a long-term project:

  • 2020-2021: Self-evaluation: 40 criteria gap-analysis, ORM-R Human Resources strategy and action plan
  • 2022: Validation of the dossier by the Technical Committee and the Senate
  • 2022: Submission of the dossier to the European Commission
  • 2022-2026: Putting in place and application of the action plan, monitoring reports to the Steering Committee and other appropriate bodies within the University
  • 2024: Intermediate internal evaluation of project progress
  • 2027: Project evaluation and site visit by the European Commission

In order to assure the delivery of this project, the University has put the following bodies in place:

  • Workgroups representative of disciplinary diversity and research personnel status at the University. There is a diagnostic measure designed to identify any gap between current practices and the 40 principles of the label. These principles are arranged under four major themes: ethics, recruitment, working conditions and researcher training. This diagnostic process has led to the definition of an action plan to deliver improvement.
  • A monitoring committee comprised of those leading actions for improvement. It will watch over the state of implementation of elements of the action plan and overall project progress.
  • A steering committee charged with defining the principal methodological lines of the HRS4R project. It reviews and is subsequently responsible for the validation of each and every one of the project stages. This body comprises:
    • the Vice-President for Doctoral Research Education & Training,
    • the Vice-President of Human Resources,
    • the Director of Administrative Services,
    • one representative of the Directors of Research Laboratories,
    • one representative of the Researchers of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS),
    • the Head of the Steering Support Service (SAP).

The HRS4R action plan comprises 44 action points designed to deliver improvements spread over four years (2022-2025) and based upon three categories of activities:

  • 8 action points relating to internal communication,
  • 19 action points relating to development/formalisation,
  • 12 action points relating to education & training/mentoring.

Key performance indicators and a leader are identified for each action point.

For further details, please consult the detailed action plan:

Contact : hrs4r @ uha.fr